JQuery or JavaScript tricks for mobile devices like – Android, Windows, BlackBerry, Apple, iphone, ipad

JavaScript support is very good on modern mobile browsers. The mobile version of Firefox and Chrome provide pretty much desktop-level support for HTML5(CSS 3 + JavaScript + HTML 5 ) features.
Most mobile phones are running some version of WebKit (what Chrome runs on), so you’re pretty much guaranteed better support than IE8 provides if you’re developing for mobile.  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Detecting Mobile Devices

Instead of using jQuery you can use simple JavaScript to detect it:

if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
 // some code for mobile devices..

JQuery or JavaScript tricks for mobile devices
or you can combine them both to make it more accessible through jQuery.  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


CSS Custom Cursors

The cursor property specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on an element. Some CSS properties are animatable, meaning that they can be used in animations and transitions. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Animatable properties can change gradually from one value to another, like size, numbers, percentage and color.

Now, when you’d like to customize a cursor, and CSS lets you do it quite easily! read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

CSS Custom Cursors 

Read full article @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Animated bubbles upwards continuously with pure CSS

Here is a pure CSS experimental work to create floating bubbles without using JavaScript. These animated bubbles are also with popping effect. All these animation is created by Pure CSS.

For our little demo, we use a simple image for the conical flask and then create the bubbles entirely with markup and CSS. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Animated bubbles upwards continuously with pure CSS


<div id="beaker">
  <span class="bubble">
    <span class="glow"> </span>

With our bubbles all made, now we need them to act like bubbles. We could use JavaScript but that’s no fun. Just use CSS! read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…read-more-button

Html IMG vs CSS Background-image

Image – Useful Tips

An image can be used in a webpage for two regions,

1) Image =  for content use, on the other hand, tend to change frequently. New images are uploaded often, users change their profile images and photo galleries, etc.

2) Background Image = for design. I.e. logos, button images, links with images, etc. tend to stay the same. They’re only changed if designer want to redesign.

The way I tend to think about this is, do I want the image to appear on all screen sizes, on all devices, with CSS turned either on or off? Do I want the image to be “indexed” by Google and Facebook. If the answer is yes to all or any of these questions, then usually the image is “content” and you should use an IMG tag.

If you want a different image to display at different screen sizes (or no image at all on certain devices), or if you’re happy for the image to not appear on a print out, or you’re happy for the image to not appear if CSS is turned off, then usually the image is “design” and you should use a background image.

Note: If an HTML file contains ten images – eleven files are required to display the page right. Loading images takes time, so my best advice is: Use images carefully.

Note: When a web page is loaded, it is the browser, at that moment, that actually gets the image from a web server and inserts it into the page. Therefore, make sure that the images actually stay in the same spot in relation to the web page, otherwise your visitors will get a broken link icon. The broken link icon is shown if the browser cannot find the image.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Proper uses of IMG & Background-image

  1. Use IMG if you intend to have people print your page and you want the image to be included by default. 
  2. Use IMG (with alt text) when the image has an important semantic meaning, such as a warning icon. This ensures that the meaning of the image can be communicated in all user-agents, including screen readers.


Change an input’s HTML5 placeholder color with CSS

Today, We will play with some more interesting CSS style properties for HTML5 INPUT placeholder styling. Let’s explore, how to style placeholder text within INPUT elements with some unique CSS code. In previous articles, we have already covered some beautiful CSS effects on INPUT [type=button] and Input [type=text].
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

What is Placeholder?

The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format). The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value. The placeholder attribute works with the following input types: text, search, url, tel, email, and password.  The placeholder attribute is new in HTML5 read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Change input HTML5 placeholder color with CSS
There are three different ways of implementations: pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, and nothing read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Animated 3D Background Pattern using HTML5 < canvas >

Hi friends, today we are going to see a cool example of animated 3D Background using HTML5 <canvas> and javascript. The <canvas> element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, script-able rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. It is a low level, procedural model that updates a bitmap and does not have a built-in scene graph. The <canvas> element is only a container for graphics… read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Animated 3D Perspective Background Patterns using HTML5 Canvas

What is canvas element in HTML?

Canvas was initially introduced by Apple for use inside their own Mac OS X WebKit component in 2004 read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Analog clock using css3 and jquery

Hi guys! Today we are going to see another great example of analog clock using the power of CSS3 and most advanced library jQuery. We will start by creating a very cool and realistic analog wall clock with pure CSS3 properties, and add a little smooth rotation for giving the clock handles a rotating effect. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

analog clock using css jquery javascript


As we mentioned before, this technology is developed with jQuery so it is supported by almost all major browsers. it is possible that the syntax and behavior can be changed in future versions of browsers. For today, it is supported by next browsers: read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

  • Chrome 15+
  • Firefox 9+
  • Safari 4+
  • IE9+
  • Opera 12+


CSS Vendor Prefixes or CSS3 browser prefixes

CSS vendor prefixes or CSS browser prefixes are a way for browser makers to add support for new CSS features in a sort of testing and experimentation period. Browser prefixes are used to add new features that may not be part of a formal specification and to implement features in a specification that hasn’t been finalized. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


The CSS browser prefixes are:

  • Android: -webkit-
  • Chrome: -webkit-
  • Firefox: -moz-
  • Internet Explorer: -ms-
  • iOS: -webkit-
  • Opera: -o-
  • Safari: -webkit-

In most cases, to use a more advanced CSS style property, you take the standard CSS property and add the prefix above for each browser. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

CSS Techniques – Absolute Horizontal And Vertical Centering In CSS

We’ve all seen margin: 0 auto; for horizontal centering, but margin: auto;has refused to work for vertical centering… until now! But actually (spoiler alert!)

I’m not the pioneer of this method, and it may even be a common technique, however, most vertical centering articles never mention it and I had never seen it until I dug through the comments section of  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

centering div image both horizontally vertivally

1. Absolute Center

.Absolute-Center {
  margin: auto;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;


CSS3 Inheritance Tips and Tricks – inherit, initial & unset

It’s easy to overlook the cascading features of style-sheets. Most designers/developers are aware of the inherit keyword but there are a few new inheritance features in CSS3 you may not be aware of…  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


property: inherit;

The inherit keyword means “use whatever value is assigned to my parent”. If no value was explicitly defined on the parent element, the browser works up the DOM tree until the property is found. Ultimately, it ends at the browser  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…