JQuery or JavaScript tricks for mobile devices like – Android, Windows, BlackBerry, Apple, iphone, ipad

JavaScript support is very good on modern mobile browsers. The mobile version of Firefox and Chrome provide pretty much desktop-level support for HTML5(CSS 3 + JavaScript + HTML 5 ) features.
Most mobile phones are running some version of WebKit (what Chrome runs on), so you’re pretty much guaranteed better support than IE8 provides if you’re developing for mobile.  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Detecting Mobile Devices

Instead of using jQuery you can use simple JavaScript to detect it:

if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
 // some code for mobile devices..

JQuery or JavaScript tricks for mobile devices
or you can combine them both to make it more accessible through jQuery.  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Animated aquarium with pure CSS

Here is a pure CSS experimental work to create a aquarium. Image / javascript hasn’t been used for aquarium or it’s animation. I have used jQuery only for random air-bubbles. All these animation is created by Pure CSS. Some times ago, I had written a article about “Animated bubbles upwards continuously with pure CSS“. You can also use this trick for air-bubbles.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Animated aquarium with pure CSS

For Creating Aquarium’s water, sand, rocks and plants few lines of HTML required.


<div class="bubbles"></div>

<div class="ground"></div>
<div class="rock_1"></div>
<div class="rock_2"></div>
<div class="rock_3"></div>
<div class="rock_4"></div>
<div class="rock_5"></div>
<div class="rock_6"></div>
<div class="rock_7"></div>

<div class="plant_1_wrap">
    <div class="plant_1"></div>
    <div class="plant_2"></div>
    <div class="plant_3"></div>
<div class="plant_2_wrap">
    <div class="plant_4"></div>
    <div class="plant_5"></div>

Now, its CSS turn. I had written about 1040 lines only in CSS for creating these elements.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…read-more-button

Analog clock using css3 and jquery

Hi guys! Today we are going to see another great example of analog clock using the power of CSS3 and most advanced library jQuery. We will start by creating a very cool and realistic analog wall clock with pure CSS3 properties, and add a little smooth rotation for giving the clock handles a rotating effect. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

analog clock using css jquery javascript


As we mentioned before, this technology is developed with jQuery so it is supported by almost all major browsers. it is possible that the syntax and behavior can be changed in future versions of browsers. For today, it is supported by next browsers: read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

  • Chrome 15+
  • Firefox 9+
  • Safari 4+
  • IE9+
  • Opera 12+


CSS Vendor Prefixes or CSS3 browser prefixes

CSS vendor prefixes or CSS browser prefixes are a way for browser makers to add support for new CSS features in a sort of testing and experimentation period. Browser prefixes are used to add new features that may not be part of a formal specification and to implement features in a specification that hasn’t been finalized. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


The CSS browser prefixes are:

  • Android: -webkit-
  • Chrome: -webkit-
  • Firefox: -moz-
  • Internet Explorer: -ms-
  • iOS: -webkit-
  • Opera: -o-
  • Safari: -webkit-

In most cases, to use a more advanced CSS style property, you take the standard CSS property and add the prefix above for each browser. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

3D Parallax effect with CSS, javascript or jQuery

Parallax effect is a long-known and widely used animation effect. Lately, the parallax effect has become a wide-spread and quite a trend element in web design, often referred to as “parallax scrolling”. Internet if full on many great examples of application of this effect in web design. As I planned to create a cool parallax animated background, my first goal was to write the shortest and simplest code to achieve maximum awesomeness! I’ll show you how I did it. In this tutorial, I’ll teach you the simplest parallax scrolling technique. Here, I am going to introduce you, a most flexible/responsive slider i.e. Parallaxfx_DG. It is so easy and useful. I have decided that I will post a page dedicated to this slider with it’s features and API later.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

The idea of the parallax effect it in web design is built around giving a page depth by using several layers of images, all moving at different speeds in response to movement of the mouse or mouse scroller, so that a viewer get a full sense of 3D on the page. Parallax scrolling is an interesting technique, where, as you scroll, the background images translate slower than the content in the foreground, creating the illusion of 3D depth. read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/ …



I have created a JavaScript plugin for this parallax effect. Plugin writes HTML,  its attributes with CSS animation effect in background read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/….

CSS Techniques – Absolute Horizontal And Vertical Centering In CSS

We’ve all seen margin: 0 auto; for horizontal centering, but margin: auto;has refused to work for vertical centering… until now! But actually (spoiler alert!)

I’m not the pioneer of this method, and it may even be a common technique, however, most vertical centering articles never mention it and I had never seen it until I dug through the comments section of  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

centering div image both horizontally vertivally

1. Absolute Center

.Absolute-Center {
  margin: auto;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;


CSS3 Inheritance Tips and Tricks – inherit, initial & unset

It’s easy to overlook the cascading features of style-sheets. Most designers/developers are aware of the inherit keyword but there are a few new inheritance features in CSS3 you may not be aware of…  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


property: inherit;

The inherit keyword means “use whatever value is assigned to my parent”. If no value was explicitly defined on the parent element, the browser works up the DOM tree until the property is found. Ultimately, it ends at the browser  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Javascript or jQuery Fullscreen browser window – Html5 technology

The new html5 technology – fullscreen API gives us an easy way to present a web page content in full-screen mode. We are about to give you detailed information about the fullscreen mode. Just try to imagine about all possible advantages which you can get using this technology – full-screen photo albums, videos, and even games. But before we describe this new technology, I have to note that this technology is experimental, and not all the browsers support it.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Starting the full-screen mode

Due to the fact that this mode is supported by different browsers differently, we have to foresee all the cases: read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Creating a Puzzle game using jQuery

Today we are making a simple puzzle game called “Doraemon Puzzle”. The purpose of the game is to slide 15 square blocks around to form an image. The goal of this tutorial is to look at this simple browser-based game and explain how it was made line by line. It’s a great way to learn jQuery. For this tutorial, We will use a 2D image of kid’s favorite cartoon “Doraemon” for square-sliding game.  I will go over each line of code to demonstrate the train of thought. I really do believe that breaking this game up into explanations on per-line basis will help you understand how to use jQuery in your own projects.

Concept about creating a Game as a jQuery Plugin

A jQuery plugin is a perfect way to create image slideshows, custom user interface controls and of course browser-based games. We won’t just write JavaScript code here, we will create a jQuery plugin.

A plugin is nothing more than our own custom jQuery method. You know how we have jQuery’s methods .css() and .animate()? Well, jQuery gives us the ability to extend its own functionality with custom methods that we create ourselves. Like the existing jQuery methods, we can apply the method we will create to a jQuery selector.

Well, the game is called “Doraemon Puzzle”, and we want to make our game “embeddable” inside an arbitrary HTML element like <div id=”game_area”>here</div> so we can move it around anywhere on the page.


The jQuery

We will actually create our own jQuery method and call it .puzzle_dg(). I have already created the plugin “puzzle_dg.min.js“.  Therefore, in order to launch the game inside an HTML element with id “#game_area” we will call this command:


This will create and attach the game board to the div whose id is “game_area.” Also, each square will become 140 by 140 pixels in width and height based on the only passed parameter. You can re-size the game blocks and area easy by just changing this parameter.

In this tutorial I used the image of a Doraemon cartoon. You can replace it with any image you want.

Executing a custom method as shown in the code above will pass the selector string “#game_area” to our plugin function which grabs the DIV. Inside our custom method, we can refer to that selector/element using the this keyword. And we can also enable jQuery methods on it by passing it to the new jQuery object like so: $(this); — inside the extended function I have created.


First, let’s prepare HTML markup for our game.  We have only call <div id="game_area"></div> for creating game area.

We have to include the awesome jQuery library. After including the jQuery library we have to include “puzzle_dg.min.js”  file as game plugin.

<!-- This is where the game will be injected -->
<div id="game_object"></div>

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">$(window).load(function(){


There are a few styles for our game:

#game_area {
	background-color: #ffffff;
	height: 550px;
	margin: 20px auto;
	position: relative;
	width: 550px;
#board div {
	background: url("images/doraemon.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #ffffff;
	cursor: pointer;
	height: 140px;
	line-height: 140px;
	position: absolute;
	text-align: center;
	width: 140px;
	/* css3 shadow */
    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px #2caae7;
	-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px #2caae7;
	-ms-box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px #2caae7;
	-o-box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px #2caae7;
	box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px #2caae7;

view demo


I tried to explain the code to the best of my ability here but some details were skipped because there is so much more to JavaScript. I hope you enjoyed this article. Thanks for reading!

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Posted by: Dhiraj kumar

Animate Full-Page Multiple Background images with fade-in & fade-out effect – jQuery

“How to change multiple background-image of body with effects?” – I think this is a major problem which all designers face. You can fade background colors but not background images. The way to work around this is to have your images as <img> tags and hide them by default display:none;. Give your images position:absolute and z-index:-1 so they act like backgrounds and are behind everything else.

Here’s a quick example of multiple images fading one after the other.



Html is very simple. Just add a div with multiple images which you want to animate / change in background with fade effects.

<div id="wrap">
<img class="bgfade" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8526/8668341950_182b74faf2_z.jpg">
<img class="bgfade" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8532/8667337535_6da0a9a261_z.jpg">
<img class="bgfade" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8540/8667244539_d227f8c435_z.jpg">


Now, We will use some CSS Technique which will create an illusion like background-image animation. The way to work around this is to have your images as <img> tags and hide them by default “display:none;”. Give your images “position:absolute” and “z-index:-1” so they act like backgrounds and are behind everything else. Now, set css property of div#wrap which includes these images to “position:fixed” and “top:0; left:0;” so that it will fix with page background.

#wrap img.bgfade{


Now, it is java-script’s turn. We will calculate browser window’s height & width. After that we will set width/height of div#wrap to browser so that background cover entire webpage. Now we have to animate our images. We will simple use function of fadeIn() and fadeOut() in images for this.

var dg_H = $(window).height();
var dg_W = $(window).width();
function anim() {
    $("#wrap img.bgfade").first().appendTo('#wrap').fadeOut(1500);
    $("#wrap img").first().fadeIn(1500);
    setTimeout(anim, 3000);


I have updated the script. Actually, after re-sizing the browser we have to update the width/height of div#wrap. So, I am going to reload this window, when ever browser will re-size. It will help to re-calculate all these and refresh the animation. Div#wrap will re-size according to browser window and play animation smoothly.

view demo

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Posted by: Dhiraj kumar