Hot Tea / Coffee with Animated Smoke Effect – jQuery & CSS

This effect has been created with some cool jQuery animation effect. For Smoke effect I have used a png transparent image. I have already updated this for IE too. As we already know transparency of png creates some bad side-effects on IE (png transparency bugs in IE). You can check the demo code and see how it’s done. Basically, the Javascript function creates some div with smoke background in random positions.  so, the effect looks more random even though it’s totally deterministic. Each smoke moves in the Y axis with a linear function and fade with a cosine function. Pretty simple effect, but effective.



#viewport {
position: relative;
width: 800px;
height: 600px;
overflow: hidden;
background:url('images/milk_tea.jpg') 0 0 no-repeat
#viewport .smoke {
position: absolute;
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
background:url('images/smoke-texture.png') no-repeat;
bottom: 150px;

The jQuery

Now, We are including jquery library and the easing plugin for creating this affect realistic.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
    if (!$.browser.msie) {
        var a = 0;
        for (; a < 15; a += 1) {
            setTimeout(function b() {
                var a = Math.random() * 1e3 + 5e3,
                    c = $("
", {
                        "class": "smoke",
                        css: {
                            opacity: 0,
                            left: Math.random() * 200 + 80
                    opacity: 1
                }, {
                    duration: a / 4,
                    easing: "linear",
                    queue: false,
                    complete: function () {
                            opacity: 0
                        }, {
                            duration: a / 3,
                            easing: "linear",
                            queue: false
                }), $(c).animate({
                    bottom: $("#viewport").height()
                }, {
                    duration: a,
                    easing: "linear",
                    queue: false
                })).then(function () {
            }, Math.random() * 3e3)
    } else {
        "use strict";
        var a = 0;
        for (; a < 15; a += 1) {
            setTimeout(function b() {
                var a = Math.random() * 1e3 + 5e3,
                    c = $("
", {
                        "class": "smoke",
                        css: {
                            left: Math.random() * 200 + 80
                $.when($(c).animate({}, {
                    duration: a / 4,
                    easing: "linear",
                    queue: false,
                    complete: function () {
                        $(c).animate({}, {
                            duration: a / 3,
                            easing: "linear",
                            queue: false
                }), $(c).animate({
                    bottom: $("#viewport").height()
                }, {
                    duration: a,
                    easing: "linear",
                    queue: false
                })).then(function () {
            }, Math.random() * 3e3)

view demo


I’ve done some changes in my jquery script and fix IE png transparency bug.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to read your thoughts!

Posted by: Dhiraj kumar

Cool Animated Fire Effects with CSS3 and jQuery

This effect has been created with some jQuery for setting different CSS3 text-shadow’s in a div. You can check the demo code to see how it’s done. Basically, the Javascript function creates 3 text-shadows (white, yellow and red) with coprime “cycle durations” so the effect looks more random even though it’s totally deterministic.


Each shadow moves in the Y axis with a linear function and in the X axis with a cosine function. Pretty simple, but effective.


      font-size: 42px;
      font-weight: bold;
      text-align: center;

The jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
var step = 1;
function nextShadow(){
	$('#onfire span').each(function(){
	    y = parseFloat($(this).attr("y_pos"));
	    y += step + Math.random()*3;
	    $(this).attr("y_pos", y);
	    shaking = Math.random();
	    shadow1 = "0px 0px "+(y%5)+"px white";
	    shadow2 = shaking*24/y*Math.cos(y/5)*15+"px -"+(shaking*4/y+(y%17))+"px "+(shaking+(y%17))+"px red";
	    shadow3 = shaking*24/y*Math.cos(y/7)*15+"px -"+(shaking*4/y+(y%31))+"px "+(shaking+(y%31))+"px #993";
	    shadow4 = shaking*24/y*Math.cos(y/13)*15+"px -"+(shaking*4/y+(y%41))+"px "+(shaking+(y%41))+"px yellow";
	    $(this).css("text-shadow", shadow2+", "+shadow1+", "+shadow4+", "+shadow3);
    $('#onfire span').each(function(){$(this).attr("y_pos","0");});
   setInterval(nextShadow, 50); 

view demo


I’ve added some randomisation to the algorithm, as well as an individual animation to each of the letters (which, as a drawback, makes the effect run less smooth). I’ve also added a fourth shadow in dark yellow. You can freely use the code by keeping the mention to this site on it.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to read your thoughts!

Posted by: Dhiraj kumar

Animated Notification bubble icon with CSS3 keyframe animation

The other day, while working on a web project, I had to emphasize somehow a dynamic notification bubble. Basically, every time the notification value changes, a visual effect was needed in order to get user’s attention. So I made that using CSS3 keyframe animation.



For this example, we’ll borrow the markup structure and look from my CSS3 dropdown menu.

    <li><a href="">Dashboard</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Friends</a></li>
    	<a href="">Message
    <li><a href="">Games</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Settings</a></li>

The focus will be on the <span>, which is the notification bubble that will be animated.


The .animating class represents an CSS3 animation that uses a bezier curve.

	animation: animate 1s cubic-bezier(0,1,1,0);			

@keyframes animate{
	from {
	   transform: scale(1);
	to {
	   transform: scale(1.7);

The jQuery

It’s not as easy as you might think to restart an animation and Chris Coyier wrote a good article about it.

The method I chose for this example involves using JavaScript’s setTimeout() method. So, every time the notification value changes, the .animating class is removed after a second (exactly how long the proper animation lasts).

In production, you will not need the counterValue variable. This is used just for our working example in order to be able to increment and decrement the notification value.

var counterValue = parseInt($('.bubble').html()); // Get the current bubble value

function removeAnimation(){
	setTimeout(function() {
	}, 1000);			

	counterValue--; // decrement
	$('.bubble').html(counterValue).addClass('animating'); // animate it
	removeAnimation(); // remove CSS animating class

	counterValue++; // increment
	$('.bubble').html(counterValue).addClass('animating'); // animate it
        removeAnimation(); // remove CSS animating class

view demo

Simple, but effective

I think this is a simple and practical example on how to use a CSS3 animation to enhance user experience. Further, you can experiment with the bezier curve values and come up with some other cool effects.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to read your thoughts!

Posted by: Dhiraj kumar