CSS3 Inheritance Tips and Tricks – inherit, initial & unset

It’s easy to overlook the cascading features of style-sheets. Most designers/developers are aware of the inherit keyword but there are a few new inheritance features in CSS3 you may not be aware of…  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


property: inherit;

The inherit keyword means “use whatever value is assigned to my parent”. If no value was explicitly defined on the parent element, the browser works up the DOM tree until the property is found. Ultimately, it ends at the browser  read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…

Javascript or jQuery Fullscreen browser window – Html5 technology

The new html5 technology – fullscreen API gives us an easy way to present a web page content in full-screen mode. We are about to give you detailed information about the fullscreen mode. Just try to imagine about all possible advantages which you can get using this technology – full-screen photo albums, videos, and even games. But before we describe this new technology, I have to note that this technology is experimental, and not all the browsers support it.
read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…


Starting the full-screen mode

Due to the fact that this mode is supported by different browsers differently, we have to foresee all the cases: read more @ http://www.css-jquery-design.com/…
